Brugen af tromboseprofylakse på medicinske afdelinger i Danmark. En spörgeskemaundersögelse
Introduction: Our goal was to investigate the use of venous thromboprophylaxis in Danish hospital departments of internal medicine, neurology and intensive care. Materials and methods: All 242 Danish departments/wards received a two-page survey form to complete. Two reminders were sent. Results: Eighty-two percent responded. Ninety percent use thromboprophylaxis, but only 69% of intensive care wards, 36% of neurological wards, and 22% of internal medicine wards have established general guidelines for its use. There is no difference between hospitals in larger cities and those in smaller cities. The most usual indication was prolonged bed rest. Discussion: Compared with the scientific documentation, the use of thromboprophylaxis in Danish medical wards must be considered insufficient.