Nonsteroide antiinflammatoriske stoffer - mulige risici ved anvendelse under graviditet
Engelsk titel: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents - potential risks of use during pregnancy
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Borregaard Larsen J
Thirstrup Pedersen S
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 9
UI-nummer: 06101185
NSAID are among the most frequently prescribed drugs in women, but our knowledge of possible negative effects on the outcome of pregnancies is limited. Use of NSAID in the third trimester is contra-indicated due to well-described adverse events. Recent epidemiological studies have raised concern about a possible increased risk of early spontaneous abortion and cardiac malformations associated with use of NSAID in early pregnancy, but other studies have been unable to confirm these findings. As long as these uncertainties exist, use of NSAID should be discouraged throughout pregnancy.