Engelsk titel: Ethical support via local clinical-ethical committees
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Möller Holdgaard DE
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 10
UI-nummer: 07023880
The author expects that local clinical-ethical committees will be an institution of the future in the Danish health service. This expectation is based on a literature search and analysis undertaken as part of preparation for writing an MPA dissertation at Aalborg University, January 2006. The committees are well known in other countries and the Danish health service is in the process of implementing their introduction, on the basis of a recommendation by the Danish Medical Association and the Danish Nurses' Organization that similar institutions be set up at local hospital units.
International experiences with local clinical-ethical committees are many and preponderantly positive. Positive evaluation depends in particular on the competence of committee members and anchorage in the local community, as it is important for representatives to be familiar with local hospital culture and for them to have a command of language viable for use in clinical practice.
The attitude of the clinicians' to the committees and their commitment to them are decisive to the success and thus their potential to provide support, the author believes. It is pointed out at the same time that the committees have been given ideal start-up conditions in the light of the professional organisations' response.