Refleksjon og laering i praksisstudiane i psykisk helsevern ved hjelp av dagböker
This paper is a result of analysis of diaries written by seven nursing students and one
occupational therapy student, participating in a project in clinical placement in mental health care.
The aim of the paper was to illuminate students’ reflection and learning in clinical placement through
an examination of their diaries. Solicited diaries written by eight students were analyzed using a
four-step model developed by Malterud. The main theme in the diaries was students’ experiences,
thoughts and feelings when trying to develop relationships with patients. Five subthemes were
identified: the encounter with the other, encounter with oneself, encounter with the other’s
perspectives, perceiving the other as an equal and encounter with ethical dilemmas. The findings
suggest that writing diaries may be useful in learning and developing students’ interpersonal skills.