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Dramapedagogikk med fokus på forumspill i psykisk helsearbeid Sykepleierstudenters refleksjoner over praksiserfaringer
Engelsk titel: Drama pedagogy focusing on forum theatre within mental health. Nursing students' reflections on practice experience Läs online Författare: Antonsen, Eva Björg ; Femdal, Ingrid ; Lepp, Margret Språk: Nor Antal referenser: 32 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 17060144


Tidsskrift for Psykisk Helsearbeid 2017;14(2)121-33 ISSN 1503-6707 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


To reflect on situations from practice can contribute to nursing students’ knowledge of how to encounter patients and relatives. The aim of the study is to describe the application of Forum Theatre as a drama pedagogical form of reflection focusing on nursing students’ practical experiences in mental health care. Using students’ experienced situations from their practice was of importance as it contributed to their engagement and learning, and resulted in authenticity and new stories. Conclusion: Forum Theatre can be used to enhance nursing students’ reflection and learning about managing situations in alternative ways.