Engelsk titel: The Malmö Commission in a forward-looking flashback
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Email: per-olof.ostergren@med.lu.se
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 22
UI-nummer: 15013154
Personnamn som ämnesord:
Virchow, Rudolf
This article puts the Commission for a Socially Sustainable Malmö into the perspectives
of history of ideas and health policy. The importance of the tripartite
model of a sustainable development presented by the Brundtlandcommission
in order to understand health inequities is discussed. Moreover, the ambition
of the commission to put the socially inequitable health and its social determinants
on the political agenda in Malmö is highlighted. This is well in line with the
thinking expressed by Rudolf Virchow already in 1848, which has re-emerged
as the WHO slogan "Health in All Policies", the far reaching consequences of
which has been interpreted as a revolution of our way of viewing the world by
putting the health and well-being of mankind at the centre. The concept of social
investments is discussed, along with the significance of applying systems
theory in order to allow a more profound interpretation of the phenomenon
social sustainability by considering the social contract as a potential tipping
point. This also opens the door for a better understanding of the role that social
capital could play for social sustainability and health inequity. Finally, the potential
of the two overarching recommendations of the commission to integrate
all those aspects is discussed, and how the 74 suggested action points could
be seen as contemporary examples of Virchow’s more than 150 years old call.