Varför medicinsk antropologi i DSM? - Om jämlik vård i ett mångkulturellt samhälle
Engelsk titel: Why medical anthropology in the DSM? - About equal care in a multicultural society
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Bäärnhielm, Sofie
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 26
UI-nummer: 15043732
Anthropological knowledge and an ethnographic-based interview have been
included in DSM-5, an American psychiatric diagnosis manual built on criteriabased
diagnostics. In this article I describe the content of DSM-5 pertaining
to culture and psychiatric illness as well as the background of its inclusion. I
discuss what DSM-5’s attention to cultural variation can mean for the development
of more equality in psychiatric care for Sweden’s increasingly multicultural
population. I especially emphasize the value of listening to patients’
narratives in order to understand their problems, situation and wishes. This is
something that can be particularly important when encountering newly-arrived
refugees and immigrants.