Local experience - central knowledge? - Methodological and practical implications for knowledge
development in local mental health care settings
Engelsk titel: Local experience - central knowledge? - Methodological and practical implications for knowledge
development in local mental health care settings
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Hummelvoll, Jan Kåre
Eriksson, Bengt G
Cutcliffe, John R
Email: jankhum@online.no
Språk: Eng
Antal referenser: 28
UI-nummer: 15103581
Action research is a research approach that includes taking action, developing and integrating
the knowledge or theory on which the actions are based. This article draws on methodological
reflections and empirical experiences of doing research in mental health care settings by means of a
collaborative approach to knowledge development. The aim of this article is to reflect upon what
possibilities exist in local practices to create relevant, knowledge-for-use - which also have ‘transfer
value’ into other settings. In order to answer this question the authors first comment on two central
aspects of the relationship between local experience and central knowledge, namely relevance and
evidence. Then the meaning of practice-oriented research is outlined, followed by describing the
essentials of collaborative research with special attention given to co-operative inquiry. Finally, there
is a reflection on which conditions that can promote or hinder a productive research process in
practical settings.