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Patientinvolvering. Et begreb med praktisk potentiale
Engelsk titel: Patient involvement - a concept with practice potential Läs online Författare: Lomborg, Kirsten ; Bregnballe, Vibeke ; Rodkjaer, Lotte Ö ; Handberg, Charlotte ; Ågård, Anne Sophie Språk: Dan Antal referenser: 8 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 15113633


Sygeplejersken 2015;115(12)70-3 ISSN 0106-8350 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift


The article describes the concept of patient involvement in relation to health policy and clinical practice. We argue the case for the positive potential of systematically involving patients and relatives. To unlock this potential, there is a need for the Danish health service to develop, implement and evaluate new procedures and approaches conducive to patient involvement. The article draws a distinction between individual and collective patient involvement. Individual patient involvement entails conversations between a patient and health professional, co-determination, and the use of patient-reported data. In collective patient involvement, experiences are gathered systematically from former and current patients and relatives to provide a valuable contribution to the development of the future health service. While patient involvement is not the preserve of a specific discipline, in this article we focus on patient-involved nursing and on the nurse’s contribution to developing a better health service for the benefit of future patients.