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Sykepleierstudenters laering om ernaering i sykehjem
Engelsk titel: Nursing students’ learning about nutrition in nursing homes Läs online Författare: Flaathen, Elisabeth Kaarbö ; Jensen, Liv Helene ; Fagerström, Lisbeth Språk: Nor Antal referenser: 47 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 17030123


Nordisk Sygeplejeforskning 2017;7(1)21-34 ISSN 1892-2678 E-ISSN 1892-2686 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Background: With increasing complexity of health services and demand for increased competence in nursing homes, it is essential to strengthen the knowledge about nursing students’ learning experiences in clinical studies. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe nursing students’ learning experiences through participation in a quality development project related to nutrition and meals in nursing homes. Method: Descriptive design with qualitative interviews. Nine first- and third- years nursing students were interviewed after their practice periods. The analysis is inspired by Kvale and Brinkmann (2009) interview analysis as bricolage. Result: Both first- and third-year students experienced positive learning. Students experienced deeper appreciation of the importance of person-centred preparation in meal situations and understanding of systematic nutritional assessments. Participation in the quality improvement project strengthened their critical reflexive attitude towards practices in the nursing home, despite both positive and negative experiences. Conclusion: Nursing students’ experiences with participation in a quality development project during nursing home placement strengthens meaningful learning. The students became aware of the importance of person-centred approaches that supports patient choice, personal values and dignity. Clinical practice in nursing homes needs to be strengthened in the future to meet criteria based on knowledge and facilitation with learning support.