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ADL-Taxonomin™ i norsk oversettelse - et verktöy for kartlegging og dokumentasjon av aktivitetsevne og mestring i daglige aktiviteter
Engelsk titel: ADL-Taxonomin ™ in Norwegian translation - a tool for mapping and documenting activity ability and coping in daily activities Läs online Författare: Vik, Kjersti ; Hovde, Lene Meinskar ; Gausemel, Vigdis Skarsaune Språk: Nor Antal referenser: 14 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 19020055


Ergoterapeuten (Oslo) 2018;61(5)34-44 ISSN 0800-3475 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift


Assessment of Activity of Daily living (ADL) is vital in occupational therapy. However, there has been a lack of ADL-assessments from an occupational therapy perspective. The aim for the project was twofold: A to translate the Swedish ADL-Taxonomin™ into Norwegian B to describe occupational therapists’ experience with the use of ADL-Taxonomin™ Guidelines for the process of cross-cultural adaption of self-report measures were followed in the translation process. Eight occupational therapists (OTs) working in different facilities in community health care tried out the Norwegian version with about 60 clients. The results showed that the concepts and translation in the Norwegian version were understood both by the OTs and the clients. Additionally the OTs experienced that ADL-Taxonomin™ contributed to assessing ADL in a more systematic way than their present assessment, especially since the assessment focused on the performance of the activity rather than on functioning. The Norwegian version of the ADL-Taxonomin™ was found to be suitable for OTs in community health care.