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Typologisering av alkoholberoende individer i relation till kön och genus. En sammanfattning av hur typologiforskningen har hanterat skillnader mellan män och kvinnor sedan 1960-talet
Engelsk titel: Typology of alcohol-dependent individuals in relation to sex and gender. A summary of how the typology research has dealt with the differences between men and women since the 1960s Läs online Författare: Berglund, Kristina ; Wennberg, Peter Språk: Swe Antal referenser: 12 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 15023335


Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift 2014;91(6)624-31 ISSN 0037-833x KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift


People with alcohol problems are a heterogeneous group and the research of typologies has at times been of large interest, although this interest has diminished somewhat in recent years. The primary aim of the research of typologies has been to find subgroups for targeted medication and psychosocial interventions. The aspects which mainly have been studied are heredity, development and severity of the abuse, social difficulties, drinking patterns and psychopathology. How to considering gender differences have varied, but no typology has so far classified people with alcohol problems starting from a gender perspective. It has also been methodological difficulties when studying differences between men and women, often because of few women in the sample, which has led to problems with generalizability. In recent years, women's drinking has increased and men's and women's drinking patterns have become more similar. Therefore, the existing classifications need to be modified, but now with considering of both a biological sex perspective and a gender perspective.