Infektionsutlöst autoimmunitet vid ME/CFS. En förklaringsmodell
Engelsk titel: Infection-trigged autoimmunity in ME/ CFS. An explanation
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Blomberg, Jonas
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 89
UI-nummer: 16103383
The understanding of ME/CFS is increasing. ME/CFS often starts after an infection.
An explanation is that the infection initiates an autoimmune process
which attacks several functions, including brain and energy metabolism. It
is very common that ME/CFS patients have the "Irritable Bowel Syndrome",
IBS. In this IBS, changes in the gut microbiome (viruses and bacteria) and
microleakage from the intestine to blood have been observed. A function
of the gut flora is to train the immune system, often leading to tolerance. A
potentially damaging immune response against antigens which cross-react
with self-antigens can then be avoided. But if the gut flora is changed, and
microleakage occurs, tolerance evolution may be disturbed. ME/CFS patients
may initially have a genetic predisposition and IBS. A gradual development
of autoimmunity which depending on genetics and microbial exposition
can then lead to comorbidities like fibromyalgia, thyroid disorder and
ortostatic hypotension. A decisive infection then leads to autoimmunisation
and ME/CFS. This explanatory model contains several hypothetical steps.
Continued research is needed to clarify the mechanisms.