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Arbete för jämlik hälsa i Sverige nationellt, regionalt och lokalt
Engelsk titel: Work for Health Equity in Sweden nationally, regionally and locally Läs online Författare: Balkfors, Anna ; Lundberg, Olle ; Kristensson, Margareta Språk: Swe Antal referenser: 22 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 16113575


Nordisk Välfärdsforskning 2016;1(1)65-74 ISSN 2464-4161 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift


In the wake of the WHO Commission on Social Determinants of Health, work towards equity in health in Sweden has to a large extent been pursued locally and regionally. However, the present Swedish government has set as an objective to close the avoidable health gaps within one generation. In order to achieve this, a Commission for Equity in Health has been appointed. This Commission has been assigned the task to propose measures that can contribute to this end. The Commission will conduct its work adopting an open and inclusive process, and thereby take onboard the insights and experiences already gained in local and regional initiatives. The Commission will submit its final report in May 2017. This article briefly describes the Commission's work so far, as well as the wider policy context in Sweden with a number of local and regional processes initiated to reduce health inequalities. The Commission's main focus is health disparities between socioeconomic groups and between men and women. The starting point is the social determinants of health and the Swedish public health policy, which was adopted in 2003. In light of the previous initiatives and research, the Commission has identified seven areas in which differences in living conditions and opportunities are vital for health equity. The Commission has also identified a need for more strategic governance and evaluation within the Swedish public health policy framework, but also governance issues more generally.