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Östgötakommissionen och den nationella folkhälsopolitiken
Engelsk titel: The Östgöta commission and the national public health policy Läs online Författare: Kristenson, Margareta ; Larsson, Annika Språk: Swe Antal referenser: 10 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 19030034


Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift 2018;95(6)669- 79 ISSN 0037-833x KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift


The Östgöta Commission worked 2012- 2014 in collaboration and dialogue between researchers, officials and politicians. It’s recommendations are the basis for work towards health equity in Region Östergötland, which started in 2015. Implementation focuses of structures and knowledge: linking to regional development, structures for collaboration with communities and civil society, knowledge and awareness on health differences and decision sup¬port to politicians. The decision by the Swedish Parliament in 2018 “ to close the health gap within one generation” is important but radical. To have impact structures be must built on, and with, the national level. Knowledge and a common goal is important. Dialogues on national levels are necessary to create awareness in all policy areas on their importance for equity in health.