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Göteborgs arbete för jämlikhet och social hållbarhet
Engelsk titel: Gothemburg's work for equality and social sustainability Läs online Författare: Molin, Peter Språk: Swe Antal referenser: Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 19030037


Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift 2018;95(6)700-8 ISSN 0037-833x KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


2012, the City Council in Gothenburg adopted a budget that included goals that have influenced the city’s overall work for equality and social sustainability. The exact formulations have changed since 2012, but the essence of the goal formulations has been the same, ”Gothenburg should be an equal city”. From 2018 the city took new steps in this work. In January 2018, the city council adopted a program for an equal city. The program highlights four target areas that together point out the focus on the work, in order to achieve the equality goal. The target areas included in the program are: • Create good start in life and and good conditions throughout the schoolyears • Create preconditions for work • Create sustainable environments and communities • Create conditions for participation, influence and trust The organization of the work has developed since 2012, today there is a strong strategic leadership for this work, connected to the core activities in the city. The focus of the work, the equalityprogram together with organization of the work, will be an important part in the city’s overall work on Agenda 2030.