Storstädernas jämlikhetsarbete: delade normer, strukturerade problem och lärande ur "goda" exempel
Engelsk titel: Big cities' equality work: shared norms, structured problems and learning from "good" examples
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Forsemalm, Joakim
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 6
UI-nummer: 20040006
During 2019, the cities of Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmös, were studied regarding the equality work conducted during the 2010s. The focus in
the study has been to understand how the Malmö Commission, the Jämlikt Göteborg process and the Commission for a Socially Sustainable Stockholm
has worked on knowledge development, organizational challenges and the engagement with equality issues. These processes have been discussed at
various times in this journal, among others in a thematic issue (# 6/2018). This article provides an overview of the study’s main conclusions. The study
was initiated through Mistra Urban Futures.