Kunskaper och verktyg om mänskliga rättigheter och socialtjänsten i dialog med nyanlända kvinnor förbättrar psykiska hälsan och relationen till barnen - erfarenheter från cirkelträffar på fyra orter
Engelsk titel: Knowledge and tools on human rights and social services in dialogue with newly arrived women improves mental health and relationship with children - experiences from circle meetings in four locations
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Ekblad, Solvig
Baldursdottir, Sigridur
Email: Solvig.Ekblad@ki.se
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 21
UI-nummer: 20020152
Interviews were conducted with 23 newly arrived women with a residence permit in the first round of groupmeetings in four places coordinated by a facilitator. The meeting was held during five times à 2 hours per week. The women appreciated the needs-driven information in dialogue with different educators
(legitimate healthcare staff, social security officer, police/lawyer) but wanted to gain more knowledge. During the meetings with newly arrived women, they
gained knowledge and tools regarding human rights and social services and felt strengthened as parents which they experienced improved their children´s
mental health and the relationship between them. One important lesson is that these parents need knowledge of what their children learn in school and by
school mates so that the children cannot exploit their parents’ lack of knowledge, which may lead to the loss of parental role and concerns/worries for the
notification to social authorities.